Johnna's Story
April 28, 2017
If I carried on smoking I was killing myself, I know I was, I could feel it in my lungs.

5 quit stories from our Facebook friends
May 9, 2018
We put a call out for stories from WA locals who quit for their health.

Levi's Story
April 21, 2017
I’ve got two kids and I go to the park and I can’t, I can’t breathe, I can’t run after them or I’m that mum at the park having a smoke and like, trying to hide…

Dee's Story
June 18, 2018
Every night I would need my Ventolin, wake up all night wheezing and finding it hard to breathe.
Rebecca's Story
January 20, 2016
I would smoke more to not be depressed, and then be more depressed because I was smoking. And that was just a vicious, vicious cycle.

Sheree's Story
May 2, 2018
I started smoking when I was 12. My doctor told me that I had high cholesterol because of a genetic condition, and it was high enough that it could cause a stroke.

Tracie's Story
October 2, 2016
I have a mental illness. I have bipolar and I’m a mum and a grandma, and I’m a reformed smoker.

Phil's Story
January 4, 2014
I gave up smoking in about 1993. When I had my last cigarette I know it was the last and I have never smoked since.

Daniel's Story
February 17, 2017
It was pretty scary once I realised that I couldn’t actually go a whole day without it.

Cheryl's Story
March 3, 2017
It’s breaking that habit of the first thing that you do when you get up in the morning is have a cup of tea and then you go and have your cigarette with your cup of tea.

Karen's Story
March 24, 2017
I know now, like it’s taken a long time, that I can’t be that person that has one cigarette here and there because I’ll just go straight back to it and I refuse to be that person anymore.

Chris' Story
March 17, 2017
My parents were smokers, and my father’s parents were smokers, so it sort of it gets sort of handed down through generations, so if you can break that cycle…