Evidence-based cessation
People who smoke generally use the health system more than people who do not smoke. For many people, experiencing an episode of ill-health provides great motivation to make a quit attempt. However, many health practitioners find it difficult to prioritise smoking cessation amongst other competing health needs.
Learn more about quitting evidence-based cessation

Smoke-free Health Services
As smoking is the largest preventable cause of death and disease in Australia, people who smoke are vastly overrepresented in Australia’s primary, tertiary and community health system.
Learn more about our smoke-free health services
Training Courses
Sign up for free Brief Advice training. The course is designed to give you the confidence to support and encourage your clients start their quitting journey. Training options include online and face-to-face.
Learn more about training courses

Publications and resources
Make Smoking History publications and resources can be downloaded online free-of-charge. Hard copies can also be requested from the Cancer Council WA website.
Resources created for people who smoke include posters, fact sheets, stickers, quitting materials and pamphlets.
Learn about our publications and resources