Everyone’s quitting journey is different, so you need to find the method that works for you.

Maybe you’ve already tried one or two methods which haven’t been the right ones and you’re ready to try again. To give yourself the best chance of quitting, evidence suggests using both behavioural support and stop smoking medication at the same time.

Compare the methods of quitting to find the best fit for you.

What is it?

Going ‘cold turkey’ is a popular choice that means quitting smoking without the use of medication or other quitting products.

How do I start?

There are many different ways to go cold turkey. Even without stop smoking medications, there are strategies you can use to improve your chances of quitting for good.

Some things you can try are:

  • Get support from family and friends who’ll keep you on track.
  • Focus on the reasons you’re quitting and identifying what your triggers are.

Recognise when you are experiencing withdrawal symptoms and check out our tips to fight cravings.

How much does it cost?


What are the main benefits?

Helps to quickly eliminate nicotine from your body.

Who is this method suited to?

Although most people quit using this method, it is not suitable for everyone. You may experience withdrawal symptoms, which differ from person to person. This method is best suited for anyone who has a good support network and can find ways to fight through the cravings.

What is it?

A confidential, evidence-based telephone counselling and online support service. Quitline will work with you step-by-step and provide tips and strategies that are tailored just for you. Quitline is an inclusive and culturally safe space for all, with dedicated Aboriginal Quitline counsellors and an interpreter service for people who speak a language other than English.

How do I start?

Call 13 7848, text “call back” to 0482 090 634 for a callback, request a callback online, or chat online.

How much does it cost?

If you request a callback, Quitline will call you free-of-charge. Otherwise expect the usual cost for a call/text from your phone/mobile.

What are the main benefits?

Helps you with personalised advice and strategies to quit, and can call you at your request as often as you would like to give you extra support. Whether you’re thinking of quitting, recently quit or relapsed, Quitline can support you.

Who is this method suited to?

This method is best suited to someone who likes to have the support and encouragement of others to help keep them on track. Quitline is also a great option if you have tried to quit multiple times already and are unsure what to try next.

What is it?

Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT)  medications are used to help reduce the feeling of cravings and nicotine withdrawal symptoms. This method works by providing small, measured doses of nicotine into your bloodstream, without all the extra harmful chemicals found in tobacco smoke.

There are different types of NRT, including: 

  • Patches
  • Gum
  • Lozenges
  • Mouth spray and inhalators.
How do I start?

Book an appointment with your doctor or talk to your pharmacist.

How much does it cost?

Prices vary by retailer, brand and duration of use e.g. patches come in packets of 7 or 28. Patches are currently the only NRT available on the PBS, which means you may be able to access cheaper patches with a script from your doctor.

What are the main benefits?

Helps to reduce withdrawal symptoms and dull the effects of nicotine on your body.

Who is this method suited to?

Talking to your doctor is the best way to find out if NRT is suitable for you .

What is it?

These tablets stop many of the rewarding feelings in your brain that come with smoking.

How much does it cost?

Prescriptions last several weeks and can cost less than the price of a single cigarette per day. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist for details.

What are the main benefits?

Help to ease cravings as they make smoking much less enjoyable than it usually would be and can ease withdrawal symptoms.

This helps to make quitting easier because your urge to smoke again isn't as strong.

Who is this method suited to?

Talking to your doctor is the best way to find out if prescription medications are suitable for you.

What is it?

Behavioural support is an important but often overlooked method to quit smoking. This approach involves receiving personalised support to help you break your habits and emotional connection to smoking.

While stop smoking medications focus on the chemical (nicotine) addiction to smoking, behavioural support is helpful for teaching you daily skills you can use to quit for good.

Evidence suggests that when used with stop smoking medication, it can give you the best chance of quitting success.
How do I start?

Contacting the Quitline is the perfect starting point, they provide the best behavioural support for quitting smoking.

How much does it cost?

It’s free!

What are the main benefits?

Helps you break your smoking habits by re-learning how to get through your day without tobacco. It also helps you mentally to know you’re not alone in this journey and that you’ll be supported along the way.

Who is this method suited to?

This is best suited for anyone who needs advice on how to break strong habits or how to tackle an emotional attachment to smoking throughout their quit journey.

Cold Turkey

What is it?

Going ‘cold turkey’ is a popular choice that means quitting smoking without the use of medication or other quitting products.

How do I start?

There are many different ways to go cold turkey. Even though you are not using any stop smoking medications, there are still strategies you can use to improve your chances of quitting for good.

Some things you can try are:

  • Get support from family and friends who’ll keep you on track.
  • Focus on the reasons you’re quitting and identifying what your triggers are.

Recognise when you are experiencing withdrawal symptoms and check out our tips to fight cravings.

How much does it cost?


What are the main benefits?

Helps to quickly eliminate nicotine from your body.

Who is this method suited to?

Although most people quit using this method, it is not suitable for everyone. You may experience withdrawal symptoms, which differ from person to person. This method is best suited for anyone who has a good support network and can find ways to fight through the cravings.


What is it?

A confidential, evidence-based telephone counselling and online support service. Quitline will work with you step-by-step and provide tips and strategies that are tailored just for you. Quitline is an inclusive and culturally safe space for all, with dedicated Aboriginal Quitline counsellors and an interpreter service for people who speak a language other than English.

How do I start?

Call 13 7848, text “call back” to 0482 090 634 for a callback, request a callback online, or chat online.

How much does it cost?

If you request a callback, Quitline will call you free-of-charge. Otherwise expect the usual cost for a call/text from your phone/mobile.

What are the main benefits?

Helps you with personalised advice and strategies to quit, and can call you at your request as often as you would like to give you extra support. Whether you’re thinking of quitting, recently quit or relapsed, Quitline can support you.

Who is this method suited to?

This method is best suited to someone who likes to have the support and encouragement of others to help keep them on track. Quitline is also a great option if you have tried to quit multiple times already and are unsure what to try next.


How do I start?

Book an appointment with your doctor or talk to your pharmacist.

What is it?

Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT)  medications are used to help reduce the feeling of cravings and nicotine withdrawal symptoms. This method works by providing small, measured doses of nicotine into your bloodstream, without all the extra harmful chemicals found in tobacco smoke.

There are different types of NRT, including: 

  • Patches
  • Gum
  • Lozenges
  • Mouth spray and inhalators.
How much does it cost?

Prices vary by retailer, brand and duration of use e.g. patches come in packets of 7 or 28. Patches are currently the only NRT available on the PBS, which means you may be able to access cheaper patches with a script from your doctor.

What are the main benefits?

Helps to reduce withdrawal symptoms and dull the effects of nicotine on your body.

Who is this method suited to?

Talking to your doctor is the best way to find out if NRT is suitable for you .

Prescription-only medications

What is it?

These tablets stop many of the rewarding feelings in your brain that are associated with smoking.

How much does it cost?

Prescriptions last several weeks and can cost less than the price of a single cigarette per day. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist for details.

What are the main benefits?

Help to ease cravings as they make smoking much less enjoyable than it usually would be and can ease withdrawal symptoms.

This helps to make quitting easier because your urge to smoke again isn't as strong.

Who is this method suited to?

Talking to your doctor is the best way to find out if prescription medications are suitable for you.

Behavioural support

What is it?

Behavioural support is an important but often overlooked method to quit smoking. This approach involves receiving personalised support to help you break your habits and emotional connection to smoking.

While stop smoking medications focus on the chemical (nicotine) addiction to smoking, behavioural support is helpful for teaching you daily skills you can use to quit for good.

Evidence suggests that when used with stop smoking medication, it can give you the best chance of quitting success.
How do I start?

Contacting the Quitline is the perfect starting point.

How much does it cost?

Quitline provides the best behavioural support for quitting smoking, and it’s free!

What are the main benefits?

Helps you break your smoking habits by re-learning how to get through your day without tobacco. It also helps you mentally to know you’re not alone in this journey and that you’ll be supported along the way.

Who is this method suited to?

This is best suited for anyone who needs advice on how to break strong habits or how to tackle an emotional attachment to smoking throughout their quit journey.

Double Quit Action

What is it?

Using behavioural support such as Quitline at the same time as NRT or prescription-only medications has been shown to seriously boost your chances of quitting success.

This approach works so well because the medication helps you through your physical cravings while the behavioural support helps you break your habits and manage your emotional reasons for smoking.

How do I start?

Start by making a call to the Quitline or speaking to your doctor or pharmacist for information about NRT or prescription-only medication options. Your doctor can also complete a Quitline referral form on your behalf if you prefer, and a Quitline counsellor will get in touch with you free of charge.

How much does it cost?

See Behavioural support, NRT and Prescription-only medications tabs for information.

What are the main benefits?

Helps you to manage all aspects of tobacco dependence. Getting personal and tailored support means you’ll know exactly what your triggers to smoke are and how to manage them. You will also have the comfort of knowing there is someone to speak to at any stage of your quitting journey, especially if you are finding things challenging. You can also get advice about how to use your NRT most effectively to reduce the severity of cravings and withdrawals.

Who is this method suited to?

This method is for everyone, but especially if you have used one of the other methods in the past and felt like you needed more support. Talk to your doctor, pharmacist or the Quitline before starting to get advice and tips to make the most of your next quit attempt.

Create your own quit plan

Whether this is your first time or you've tried quitting before, creating a plan is a great starting point. The quit planner will help you identify why you smoke, what your triggers are, and can give you new tips to help you kick your habit.

Looking for other information?

chalk writing on pavement saying 'you got this'
Quit Methods

There are so many different ways to quit, find the one that will work for you.

Learn more about quit methods

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Quit Apps

Free apps such as My QuitBuddy can be a fun and practical way to quit and stay smoke-free.

Learn more about quit apps

A group of friends gathered around a campfire and drinking a hot drink
Real Quitting Experiences

There are more ex-smokers today than there are smokers. Find out how they did it by reading their stories.

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Latest News

We publish blogs on many different tobacco-related topics, you're sure to learn something new.

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Free Quit Support

Talk to the Quitline

The Quitline is a confidential telephone advice and information service for people who want to quit smoking.

My QuitBuddy App

The My QuitBuddy App tracks your quitting progress, such as days smoke-free, cigarettes avoided, health gained and dollars saved.

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Proven Tips To Quit

Some people think quitting is about willpower, but to quit successfully means being prepared, and understanding your smoking triggers.

Find tips on quitting