Types of Smoking
There are many ways of smoking tobacco, but no matter how it's packaged, all tobacco kills.
Learn more about types of smoking

Smoking Statistics
About 1 in 10 West Australians smoke daily, but there are groups of people who are smoking at much higher rates. Factors including where people live and how much money they earn can greatly affect whether they take up smoking or not.
Learn more about smoking statistics
Smoking Costs
At last count, an average 25 pack of cigarettes could set you back $48. If you smoke a pack a day that’s over $17, 000/year! And if you think rollies are a better option, we’ve got bad news.
Learn more about smoking costs

Smoking & The Law
There are many laws that protect Western Australians from the harms of smoking. In WA, the Tobacco Products Control Act 2006 is our state’s main tobacco control legislation.
Learn more about smoking & the law
Secondhand Smoke
Secondhand smoke is the smoke from the end of your cigarette and the smoke you breathe out that hangs around in the air. When the people around you breathe in this smoke, it's called passive smoking.
Learn more about secondhand smoke