Prescription-only medications

While there is no magic pill to help you quit smoking, there are prescription-only stop smoking medications available.

These medications help to reduce withdrawal symptoms and reduce the pleasant sensation you would usually experience when nicotine reaches your brain.

To find out more about stop smoking medications:

Download the Stop Smoking Medications Guide
Download our guide to get the overview on stop-smoking medications and the differences between prescription tablets.
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Book an appointment with your GP
Talk to your doctor about quitting smoking and get professional support to successfully break your dependence on nicotine.

Behavioural support

Behavioural support is an important but often overlooked method to quit smoking. While stop smoking medications focus on the chemical addition to smoking, behavioural support is helpful for breaking habits.

You can try free behavioural support tools such as:

Man smiling at camera sitting at office desk with phone headset on and two computer screens behind him


For behavioural support to quit smoking, the best place to start is the Quitline. Speak to a trained Quitline counsellor on the phone or through online chat and get expert support on quitting.

Learn more

Double Quit Action

Evidence suggests that when behavioural support is used with stop smoking medication, it can give you the best chance of quitting success. Use Double Quit Action to tackle your physical symptoms of nicotine withdrawal at the same time as tackling your emotional and habit-related triggers to smoke.

Learn more
two hands holding together

Bottom line, it is important for you to identify ways to cope with cravings and withdrawal symptoms. Learning new coping skills will build your confidence, keep you motivated and help you to stay on track.

Read from individuals who successfully quit smoking using the other stop smoking methods

I sat down and wrote out a list of distraction techniques to do whenever I wanted a smoke. Go for a walk, take a shower, do some art, hang out in non-smoking areas like the cinema or swimming pool. I was actually shocked at how quickly the cravings went away. I also had a quit booklet on hand, used an online app and got some tablets from my GP. I honestly never thought I could actually quit.

I started off with patches but it was not enough so I got a prescription for medication. It was good. It made it easier but there was still my will power that needed the extra work before I fully quit.

I quit with medication - I got a prescription from my doctor.

I got the quit smoking tablet at the chemist with a prescription. I stopped smoking 5 days after.

Looking for other information?

chalk writing on pavement saying 'you got this'
Quit Methods

There are so many different ways to quit, find the one that will work for you.

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Quit Apps

Free apps such as My QuitBuddy can be a fun and practical way to quit and stay smoke-free.

Learn more about quit apps

A group of friends gathered around a campfire and drinking a hot drink
Real Quitting Experiences

There are more ex-smokers today than there are smokers. Find out how they did it by reading their stories.

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Latest News

We publish blogs on many different tobacco-related topics, you're sure to learn something new.

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Free Quit Support

Talk to the Quitline

The Quitline is a confidential telephone advice and information service for people who want to quit smoking.

My QuitBuddy App

The My QuitBuddy App tracks your quitting progress, such as days smoke-free, cigarettes avoided, health gained and dollars saved.

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Proven Tips To Quit

Some people think quitting is about willpower, but to quit successfully means being prepared, and understanding your smoking triggers.

Find tips on quitting