If you have tried other quit smoking methods and are still smoking, you can talk to your doctor or pharmacist about using vapes (e-cigarettes) to quit smoking.

Can I use vapes to quit smoking?

Whatever method you choose to quit smoking, plan to be completely free from nicotine in the long-term for your health. The Quitline or your doctor can help you to reduce your nicotine over time while managing any withdrawal symptoms.

It is important to know all vaping products (nicotine and non-nicotine) remain unapproved therapeutic goods. This means they have not been subjected to the same rigorous safety, quality and effectiveness testing as other evidence-based quit smoking aids that manage nicotine withdrawal.

When using vapes to quit smoking, it’s important to work towards being completely free from nicotine to protect your health. The Quitline or your doctor can help to tailor a plan that suits you.

For more information about using vapes for smoking cessation visit the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) website.
How can I quit vaping and smoking at the same time?

You can use any of the quit methods described under Quit Methods.

Making a Quit Plan is a perfect place to start.  For free quitting advice that suits your lifestyle and quitting history, chat to the Quitline by phone or webchat.

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Make a quit plan
Whether it's your first quit attempt or you've tried multiple times, the quit planner is an excellent place to start.
the icon of a speech bubble with a headset
Talk to a Quitline counsellor
For free personalised quitting support to manage your triggers to smoke, get in touch with a Quitline counsellor by phone or online.

Looking for other information?

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Quit Methods

There are so many different ways to quit, find the one that will work for you.

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Quit Apps

Free apps such as My QuitBuddy can be a fun and practical way to quit and stay smoke-free.

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Real Quitting Experiences

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Free Quit Support

Talk to the Quitline

The Quitline is a confidential telephone advice and information service for people who want to quit smoking.

My QuitBuddy App

The My QuitBuddy App tracks your quitting progress, such as days smoke-free, cigarettes avoided, health gained and dollars saved.

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Proven Tips To Quit

Some people think quitting is about willpower, but to quit successfully means being prepared, and understanding your smoking triggers.

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