We support our partners across WA by providing them with a range of resources and training opportunities so they can address smoking at their services.

Listed below are a range of resources and tools our partners can utilise at a community, health or corrective service.

Smoke-free and vape-free policy templates

Community Service Organisations template - no exceptions

Community Service Organisations template - Limited exception

Sports, Leisure and Community Clubs - no exceptions

Sports, Leisure and Community Clubs - limited exception

Smoke-free signage

Recommendations for smoke-free and vape-free signage

Community services smoke-free signs

Community services smoke-free and vape-free signs

Public spaces smoke-free signs

Public spaces smoke-free and vape-free signs

If you would like to order hard copy signs in A3 or A4, please contact us.

Make Smoking History resources

Quit pocket guide

Quit Kit

Fact sheets, posters, and stickers  

Resources for people in prison

Trash the ash booklet

Practical tips for giving up smoking poster

Family and Friends information sheet

Quit Planner (Prison Resource)

Contact us to make an order.

Free Quit Support

Talk to the Quitline

The Quitline is a confidential telephone advice and information service for people who want to quit smoking.

My QuitBuddy App

The My QuitBuddy App tracks your quitting progress, such as days smoke-free, cigarettes avoided, health gained and dollars saved.

Google Play ButtonApp Store Button
Proven Tips To Quit

Some people think quitting is about willpower, but to quit successfully means being prepared, and understanding your smoking triggers.

Find tips on quitting