Who is Richmond Wellbeing?
Richmond Wellbeing (RW) is a mental health organisation that assists people to recover from their mental illness.
Our Vision A community where people can recover and live a valued and fulfilling life.
Our Mission is to work alongside people, employing leading practice to support recovery and wellbeing.
How will this project help you achieve your mission and vision?
Richmond Wellbeing’s vision is to ensure people can recover from their mental illness and live a valued and fulfilling life. It is known that smoking rates are higher among people living with a mental illness than the general population. Tobacco use contributes to financial disadvantage and poorer health outcomes; with those who smoke being far more likely to die from a smoking related disease than as a result of their psychiatric condition.
Smoking also increases a person’s risk of experiencing high levels of psychological distress and likelihood of being diagnosed or treated for a mental health condition. This project is important to help break the cycle of disadvantage that is exacerbated by tobacco use through supporting Richmond Wellbeing clients (and staff) to reduce and quit their tobacco use and improve their journey of recovery. There is also commitment to transition all sites to being smoke-free.
What difference will this project make for:
1. People accessing Richmond Wellbeing services?
The project is providing people who access Richmond Wellbeing’s services with support and information to assist their attempts to reduce and quit smoking. By reducing or quitting smoking clients will save money which can be used to buy other necessities and reduce the stress caused by the financial disadvantage they may be experiencing. All residents will have access to a healthier smoke-free environment with restrictions on where smoking is allowed on the premises.
2. Richmond Wellbeing staff?
The project has helped to build the capacity and knowledge of staff through access to Cancer Council WA’s training on brief advice for smoking cessation. Staff are more motivated to speak with clients about their smoking behaviours and have potentially reconsidered their own smoking habits. Staff will also have reduced exposure to second-hand smoke as smoking areas at residential sites have all been reassessed and evaluated to prevent the spread of smoke.

Greatest learnings and achievements?
Richmond Wellbeing has achieved several positive outcomes since the implementation of the project. Residents across the sites have been able to access support and encouragement from staff who have received the brief advice training.
A resident entered our Queens Park accommodation site after experiencing years of social isolation and chain-smoking habits which led to deterioration of their physical health. Since entering the service along with support from staff the resident reduced from smoking one packet of cigarettes a day to quitting completely. The resident has since stated that they are “feeling really good since giving up smoking” and are sticking to the plan to stay quit.
Click on each of the priority areas below to find out what Richmond Wellbeing is achieving.
Comprehensive tobacco policy
- Review existing tobacco policy to comply with new tobacco laws.
- Transition sites to becoming smoke-free.
Organisational culture and values
- Incorporate quit smoking information into existing resident meetings and groups.
- Develop quit smoking support groups on sites.
- Update staff recruitment job description forms with statement on Richmond Wellbeing’s commitment to becoming smoke-free.
Physical environment
- Display positive smoke-free signage in non-smoking areas at sites.
- Review current smoking areas at residential sites and reduce access to smoking areas.
- Introduce physical activity to replace smoking (parkrun).
Staff learning and development
- All staff are trained in the 3A’s for Brief Advice.
- All mental health connect nurses will be trained in 5A’s.
- Provide access to online e-training on Richmond Wellbeing intranet and as part of staff induction.
Organisational process and procedures
- Updated the residential accommodation handbook to include support available to reduce and quit smoking.
- Include question on tobacco use in resident intake referral forms as prompt to offer support to reduce and quit.
- Incorporate smoking habits and behaviours into the Recovery Factors and alcohol and other drugs questionnaires on Mentegram (used for resident three monthly surveys).
- Update staff induction and orientation documents with information on tobacco policy and Quitline.
Monitoring, evaluation and learning
- Include questions regarding smoking habits into Mentegram.
- Include question on smoking in residential referral forms.
Organisational engagement
- Invite key representatives and stakeholders to project meetings and inform them about the project.
- Include updates on the project in internal and external organisational communications, including Annual Report, Facebook, website, e-news, etc.
- Explore opportunities to present on the Make Smoking History Project at conferences and events to share the experiences of Richmond Wellbeing.